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时间:2017-06-09作者:HUI 点击:


  Can tai chi be used to fight?


  How can a practitioner gain the ability to fight?


  How many tai chi practitioners can fight?  



  On April 27, the face-off between mixed martial arts coach Xu Xiaodong and self-proclaimed tai chi master Wei Lei sparked a heated debate about whether tai chi and other traditional martial arts are still as strong as they have always been claimed to be by practitioners.

  当国人还在纠结于这些问题时,一个拥有跆拳道黑带和空手道棕带的美国武者詹姆斯• 希里(陈高兴),却毅然转投河南陈家沟陈氏太极宗师陈正雷门下。这是为何?

  While the Chinese are questioning tai chi’s status as a martial art, James Healey, an American martial artist with a second-degree black belt in taekwondo and a brown belt in goju karate, shifted to Chen-style tai chi and became a disciple of tai chi grandmaster Chen Zhenglei from Chenjiagou Village, the cradle of tai chi, in central China's Henan Province. Why?


  Chen Zhenglei, one of China's Top 10 Martial Artists and inheritors of the Chen-style tai chi, after declining more than 30 interviews, recently talked to Beijing Review reporter Li Nan about what the real tai chi is in Beijing.


  Chen Zhenglei: Tai chi can definitely be used to fight


  陈正雷 Chen Zhenglei

  河南陈家沟人 Born in Chenjiagou Village, Henan Province

  陈氏太极第十一代嫡宗传人 11th generation descendant to the creator of the Chen-style tai chi

  中国十大武术名师 One of China's Top 10 Martial Artists

  中国武术九段 Passed the ninth-ranking Chinese Wushu Duanwei exam, the highest national martial art evaluation system



  Can tai chi be used for fighting?



  Tai chi, definitely, is a martial art. If it can’t fight, is it still recognized as a martial art? It was first created for combat in the cold weapon era.






  How can a practitioner gain the ability to fight?


  学习太极拳,分三个过程:套路、推手、散手。第一个过程,在没有完全掌握内气之前,叫练套路。练拳术套路,然后练兵器,刀枪剑棍,这段时间都是叫知己的功夫。然后练推手,练知彼的功夫。要了解对方,掌握对方,你明白了对方他的来龙去脉,你才有取胜的可能。然后才能达到第三步,叫散手。突破不了这三层功夫、过程, 那你出去不是纯挨打吗?

  Tai chi practitioners have to go through three steps: routines, pushing hands and sparring. First,they practice routines before gaining the internal power. One should practice boxing routines, and then weapon routines, which include the saber, spear, sword and stick. Routines help practitioners get to know themselves. Then, they practice “pushing hands,” a skill that helps to understand the rival's movements. Only by understanding the rival's movements, can you have a chance to win. Then comes the third step, sparring. Without accomplishing these three steps, a tai chi practitioner would be doomed to being knocked over in a fight.



  How long does it take a tai chi practitioner to be able to fight?



  As a saying goes, it takes a tai chi practitioner 10 years to gain the ability to fight, and three years for a monk in the Shaolin Temple. That’s because they adopt different training methodologies: external boxing and internal boxing. External boxing trains one to punch and kick from the very beginning. After three years of training, practitioners certainly can fight. Why does it take a tai chi practitioner 10 years? Tai chi focuses very much on exploring inner power. It emphasizes flexibility, rather than hard strength.




  How many tai chi practitioners can fight?



  Among hundreds of millions of tai chi practitioners, those who can fight make up only a small fraction, say 5 to 10 percent, and it's not an easy task.

  洋弟子陈高兴: 太极让我之前所学武艺大有长进

  James Healy: By practicing it, my previous martial arts were both improved


  陈高兴 James Healy

  美国人 American

  陈正雷的入门弟子 An advanced student of Chen-style tai chi Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei

  习武多年,拥有跆拳道黑带二段和刚柔流空手道棕带 He has a long experience in martial arts and a second-degree black belt in taekwondo and a brown belt in goju karate.


  By practicing it, my previous martial arts, taekwondo and goju karate were both improved. Part of that is because tai chi has slowness as well as quickness. It has hardness as well as softness. The point is that when you move slowly, you are really developing the precision network of your body memory. So when you need to move quickly, you have actually trained your reflexes so that when you do move rapidly, everything moves into places as it should. But in Chen-style [tai chi] we also practice quickly. Chen-style tai chi trains any part of your body so it can suddenly [react] very quickly, having an explosive power that doesn’t require you to set up first. And so applying that to other arts means that a punch or a kick or a block or an elbow strike could be done much more quickly and explosively than I might have done it when I originally learned it.


  And it’s much easier on your body than the harder martial arts, which as you get older, you start having maybe some joint problems, because there is a lot of tension on the joints in the harder styles of martial arts. And in tai chi things are more circular and rotational. It became something I could do no matter how old I was or even if I had injuries.


  Chen Bin: Standardization of every tai chi movement is the biggest challenge  


  陈斌 Chen Bin

  陈正雷儿子 son of Chen Zhenglei

  陈氏太极第十二代嫡宗传人 12th generation descendant to the creator of the Chen-style tai chi


  “Standardization of every tai chi movement is the biggest challenge. Tai chi, as part of the internal arts, boasts many concepts that are not easily clarified by straightforward language and specific figures. What we can do now is to standardize the training methods and the explanation and performance of the basic routines," Chen Bin told Beijing Review.


  文章来源:《北京周报》 微信公众平台

  责任编辑:闫 威
